About Teacher


Paul Ono

Hello everyone and welcome to our homepage. 

I look forward to assisting in your English communication skills.
Here is a little background about myself.
I am half Japanese (mothers side)and half American (fathers side).I have been living in Japan for over 18 years, mostly in the Chiba area. I was born in Japan and at the age of 2 years I was adopted by an American family and lived in America throughout my youth and adult time. Mostly in Texas. I returned back to Japan in 2003 in search of my birth mother and while my stay was suppose to be short, I fell in love with Japan and decided to make Japan my home. I have so many hobbies and interests, for the outdoors, I enjoy bbqing, cycling, hiking and photography. Indoors I enjoy cooking, dancing and playing darts.
I am told that I have a gregarious (friendly) personality and am easy-going.
I enjoy meeting people with many backgrounds and am very flexible and open-minded. I love helping others in any situation and always believe in the expression "Pay It Forward."
I super look forward to meeting you and assisting you in any English skills needs. Please don't hesitate in contacting me and let's begin a future together.

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